Hey Father, are you there?

Hey Father, are you there?

I'm on my knees

I'm begging you, pray with me, please

my pain is too much; give me peace

Hey Father; are you listening

I'm on my knees 

please God, please

give me peace

My lover is gone away

you took him the other day

is he in Heaven?

are you planning to make him stay

is he with you when I pray

Hey father 

is peace in heaven when I die

are all the loved ones up in the sky 

Hey Father

when I die, will I fly

do the stars shine when I cry 

Hey Father

when my lover went away

did you take his pain away

Hey Father 

Do you stay? When I cried myself to sleep at night?

Did you hug me when I took that ride?

Where you there when I almost died

was it you who saved my life

Hey, Father, was it you?

who showed me the light that night

Hey father

Why did you not let me; die?

Will you hold me tide when I'm crying at night?

Will you give me light when I'm lost at night?

Will you take my pain when I feel like dying again?

Hey Father

Will, you give my lover peace there up in the sky,

will you tell him?

I will give love another try 

but sometimes; I will wonder why

Father, will you tell him

I love him: till the day I die

I will be strong and give life another try.

Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir
