Hey girl
The sorrow in your eyes
It makes me wanna cry
But you look so strong
You are so young
Who did you so wrong
Hey girl
Will you give me a time
I will make it worth your while
Dreaming big is not a crime
Maybe you will be mine
Hey you
Boy like you
I know you
All you wanna do
Is Fuck with what I do
You act as you care
But in the end, all I feel is fear
I can feel you blowing in my ears
I can't breathe, I smell your beers
Hey Boy
I was lying on the floor.
He was all in my hair.
I roar like a hurt deer.
The prayer was my only chance there.
Why would you be nice
I have never given you a chance.
Hey boy
You don't know me
What do you see when you look at me?
What will you do
To get me to trust you.
Hey boy, I'm talking to you.
Why should I take a chance on you?
What should I do
It's all so new to me
You came out of the blue
I never knew
I would meet a boy like you
I'm still so hurt
The darkens is in my heart
I Feel like a bird staying in the ark
Alone so I will not get hurt
But Boy
Its time
I know
One day
I will give it a try
Maybe you are the one.
Hey, you, maybe you wanna stay.
Its time for me to stop running away
Höf: Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir
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