Life is hard sometimes; I know
It's okay to take a break and stay low
You don't always Have to
Stay strong
Honey, I love you
Sometimes, You can just
Cuddle your pillow
You can cry, A thousand times.
If you feel sad, It's alright.
If you are hurt, Don't hide that.
It's all right, Honey. I know that
If you like I will be there
Night and day just ask me to stay
I can stay For a day Or two
Hold your hand If you like me to
I can take your Tears away.
Kiss you Good night and hold you tight
Honey, I will be there for you
That's what fathers do
Honey, I will always love you
The strongest person I know is you.
You will shine again, Honey; I love you.
Believe me,
I know you will be at your best again
My sweet child of mine
My love for you is pure
Some day you will feel it to
The right boy for you...
Will show you
Just like Your father loves you
He will do that to
Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir
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