Black bird


He put a gun in my hand, I could not breathe 

He told me to put the bird on the ground

The car drove him to the death

His heart was still pounding from where he was lying down. 

When we are in pain

Sometimes we have to do what's insane

This bird is in a lot of pain jane 

Girl, I know it's hard its no brain 

The car was driving too fast.

You saw how the bird flew over the street

He hit his head so fast that he passed

Some people don't have a heartbeat

Hey girl, I know it's not easy 

but believe me, when I say

The gun is in your hand. I know It's cheesy.

But it's time to shoot the bird in the head and pray. 

Hey Girl, the hospital is too far away

this is the only way I know it's hard.

But the bird will give god a good talk after this day 

He will tell god you took his pain away, you will be discard

I can still hear the words ringing in my head 

I took two shots in the head

I still remember this day; all the word you said 

I pray for this bird still to this day; I named him Fred 

Höf ;Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir 
