I'm proud of you for Telling your story
I know it's not easy, But he hurt you
You came to me because of your pain
I'm here for you; I'm a shrink; that's what I do
You want me to tell you what he did to me
oh boy, he was not a nice boy, I know,
I do wanna tell you, You will see
First, he was nice, but that was just for a show.
I was holding my child.
In my arms, he's was only a two month old
His father was screaming at me, It was wild
He used to do that a lot; he did not have a soul
He came at me kicking and screaming
He hated me, I know, but I hated him to
He kicks my arms. I thought I was dreaming.
I was with the boy in my hands when he came at me out of the blue.
I snapped, all I could see was the child in my arms
I took the boy and lay him on the bed
I wanted to hit the man in the head
I run at him, screaming, my face was so red
He told me I was a crazy
All his family tell that to him
I left and took the boy with me
I don't care what your family say about me
People only see what you give them to see
Did you told them when I was pregnant with your boy
You came at me running and spit on me
When the contractions came, you screamed at me
I went to the hospital crying alone
You had to stay in the car and holding home
Yeh boy, when you tell them a story, I know
Just make it true to the bone
Höf: Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir
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