Is it true

Your lips tell a story

but is it true

The story they hear

It's hard to undo 

You can stream live

people will hear all the lie

You will tell a story of my wildlife 

all they hear is how I failed when I was a life

You can see the numbers rise

Your stream is live

you can almost touch the prize 

The number is rising to the sky's

If you tell a lie

be sure to know why

some lie can fly to the sky 

don't let your lie; let someone die

Your lips tell a story

but is it true

The story you tell 

make sure it's true

If your high; is to lie 

make sure the truth; dies

sometimes a spy 

can make your lie; die

Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir 

Lies can travel halfway around the world 

while the truth is still putting on the shoes

Mark Twain

Once I catch you in one lie

it makes me question everything you have said 
