The hunger is real

The pain is real

You can't see it 

But the pain is there

why can't I  heal

I feel fear today


I could not breathe 

My panic Attack came back to say, Hi. 

The hunger is real

The rent is too high

Or is the money too low

Sometimes I just don't know

hell is real 

when you have nothing to eat

But all you hear People say 

Your pain is not real

People say you are a lie

sometimes I wish I could die

Can you set me pain-free?


I fell on the floor

The panic attack almost ...took me.

The worry I have 

Put my pain straight into my brain

I will never get free

If worry is my daily bread 

When my children ask me 

mother, why can't I have a tree

mother, why is the soup from yesterday 

on the table for us to eat 

on the Christmas day   

Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir
