I could write a song before seven a clock

I write down my thoughts

my brain is full of words

I could write a song before seven a clock

my words could fill the street on the block

I hear people have writer blocks

my mind could write a book before twelve a clock

I can't sleep at night; my brain is on some drugs

all I see is a rhyme in my thoughts

I write a poem from my heart

my life has been hard

I write about that

sometimes I write about art

My mind can't read right.

I have ADHD, and my mind goes faster than a train

I have dyslexia and see the words go into flame

I will never know how to write right, but I will never hide.

Grammar, for me, is like a wine

I learn and wake up, and all is gone 

so you see, my mind is full of words

but rules don't get stuck in my brain

Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir
