Please Lord, listen


The phone is ringing

I can feel my heart beating

I ask God for a miracle

my head goes spinning 

I'm thinking of the beginning

we were a perfect match

you are my everything

with you live have a meaning

with you, I can fly 

with you, I can write a story and cry

our fate is written in the sky

with you, I'm never afraid to try

You are my king from the sky

you are the guard of my heart

you are the beat to my heart

I'm not ready to say goodbye

I pray for a new start

I ask God to let you stay

I can hardly breathe 

I'm afraid to answer the phone

please, Lord

give my man a new heart

please, Lord, listen to my words 

listen please listen

with him, I can try

with him, I can fly

with him, I have a friend 

with him, the limits are the sky

our story is written in the sky

He is the love of my life

would you please give us another try

I'm not ready to say goodbye

Lord, don't let me cry 

he is my light at night

listen to me, please Lord, listen

please don't let my man die

Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir

I'm opening a new page in January 

the name of the page is - Healthy Pretty World .com 
