Kanye you are a legend


I look at your profile. You're the king

people are praying for your following

I see the black color on everyone's profiles 

mine is black too, but you're not following 

Kanye is the name they are praying for

he is the God they wish for

people adore him and love him 

but I think I love him more

people are writing on your wall in black

Kanye I love you say the woman with the hat

Kanye you are a legend; follow me back

follow me, and I bring you luck in the dark

Kanye go black, and we all follow back 

Kanye is loved; he is the people's lord

he goes black, we all follow back

he writes the songs, and we listen to the words

maybe Kanye is the God people is longing for

Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir
