She is called, Nightbird


She is a fighter, and Cancer is her war

but she is  beautiful  like a queen  

she is in pain, but her voice is a dream

she is strong and shows no fear   

people say her story gives them hope

she is admired and loved

we love the words she wrote

we hear you here, and above

Cancer is her war

but Lord can have his joke

she is not a broken oak 

she is a fighting star 

her music gives us hope

she is admired and loved

we love the lyrics she wrote

we will hear your music here, and above

Lord can have his joke.

she is not a broken oak

She will build her boat.

her words will be her swords,

then she will laugh at the Lords jokes

and throw her Cancer overboard

Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir 

I'm opening a new page in January 

the name of the page is - Healthy Pretty World .com 
