If you wish me a luck
you would never kick my butt
you would stand by my back like a hawk
you would pick me up and give me a hug
you would share my words with the world
you would tell your friends
how my music touches your heart
you would share my lyrics with the underworld
You would never share my pain
only for your gain
you would never kiss a boy that I love
you would never
play a game on me only for fame for a day
If you are my true friend
I will talk from my heart
I will never lie
I will hold your hand till the end
I will tell you if your hat is bad on you
I will say if something was bothering me
I will tell you if I was in love with you
I will tell you if my shoes were new
if you have a friend that you love
keep him close to your heart
because the devil himself
is hiding in the rose of the joy
the devil is sometimes in your friend's heart
he comes into your life to make you hurt
he is that beautiful man that flirt
he isn't always hiding in the dark
the devil can be the friend dearest to you
it is hard to believe, but that is true
but the devil always speak beautifully to you
but behind you, he tells the true blue
Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir
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