I'm in my dream but awake
I see the light at the end of the gate
I slap my hand to see if I'm awake
I'm in some state of a wake
In my head, I play my tape
I know my life is gone as I used to know
but that's okay; I'm here to obey
I have hated my life for a long time
in my mind, I died when I was twenty-eight
All I see is the love I lost in my head
in my mind, I have always been depressed
I know I'm lost in my head
I have always envied the dead
I have been waiting for this day
I walk to the light to see my fate
In my heart, I'm relieved
in my mind, this is my Broadway
I know you are sad
I know you feel some pain
maybe you are losing your mind
but don't feel bad
because for me, life was mad
I'm awake
I see the light
I slap my hand to feel if I'm awake
I'm in some state of a wake
In my head, I play my tape
I know my life is out of time
but that's okay
in my mind, I died when I was twenty-eight
when I'm gone
I need you to hold on and play a song
if you miss me, you can sing along
but remember, my love
you love me most when I'm gone
All I see is the love I lost in my head
in my mind, I have always been depressed
I'm so lost in my head
I have always envied the dead
my friend, I know you feel bad
I know you feel some pain
I know you are losing your mind
but don't feel sad
because for me, life was always sad
when I'm gone
play a song
if you miss me, you can sing along
remember, my love
you always love most the one that is gone
Höf : Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir
I'm opening a new page in January
the name of the page is - Healthy Pretty World .com
My Instagram page
My YouTube Page
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