Screaming for help


Poems name - Screaming for help 

I'm alone 

I have no home

I'm bleeding from the bone 

I feel like I'm in the twilight zone 

I am unknown

I'm cold, and my hard life makes me feel old

I'm so hungry I could sell my soul 

I would give all the gold in the world for a soup in a bowl

I have lost all control

I want to hide

I don't want this kind of life

I want to know why? 

sometimes I just want to die 

Do you see me?

Or am I just a lie

I'm tired  

My best life is when I'm dreaming

living far away, free, and flying 

going higher and higher 

I have lost my voice 

My cry for help was just a toy 

in the government's hands

your screaming for a home was just a noise 


Am I trash to destroy 

Höfundur Rósa Björk Kristjánsdóttir 

Ljóð um ákall frá fólkinu í landinu til þingmanna að leysa húsnæðisvandan og setja þak á leigu. 
